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Must-have Mods?


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ENB is good if your GPU can handle it make sure you change your settings appropriately too: Fans; ini; turning off repetitive settings like AA if you're using ENB's MSAA. SSAO and DoF are the most intensive effects and some ENBs are easier on your computer, I use The wilds ENB. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21123


It looks nice and performs well. However keep in mind most overclocking tools will crash the game with ENB; Nivida inspector is safe to use.

Edited by JumpingJackboots
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a lot of good mods listed here and i got some more :)


These I could never play without:


Skyrim Redone http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9286

This one is genious, it adds a lot of perks, changes to combat, ai, leveling and so much more. And it comes in a very nice modular package which help you costumize it for you ultimate skyrim experience. Personally i use the whole package :)

I cant recommend this enough!


TK Dodge http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20923

A must have for fun combat, also kinda necessary for the rough combat system in Skyrim Redone. Also it is no immersion breaker because the dodge animation is vanilla skyrim and look very realistic, no fancy ninja moves here! And when you see that hugh orc coming charging at you with a twohanded warhammer and you make a nice sidestep in the last moment you will be very very happy and kinda proud of your fast reflexes. Haha stupid orc wasting all that stamina for nothing. :biggrin:


As for ENB i use Project Matso http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25451

It is freaking beautiful, so good looking I want it applied IRL. I made some minor tweaks and run this on my laptop with 2K texture +40-50 other mods and have a stable 25-30 fps. The sunglare is amazing, nice vibrant colours that aint to cartoonish.


The finally i got some more tips for you. Usually i like to costumize my modlist for my present character.

Playing a dualwielding rouge without Dual Wield Parrying ? Impossible.

Playing a mage without Apocalypse Spells ? Not nearly as fun.

Bashing my way though skyrim as a fighter without Immersive Armors ? Why look boring when you dont have to?


Well anyways hope you check out these fantastic mods and dont forget to endorse the modmakers for there hard work. :thumbsup:

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Mods that I cant imagine playing without:

-My graphics overhaul compilation based on texture combiner and ENB


-Deadly Dragons + Dragons Diversified

-Conviniet Horses

-Alternate Start: Live Another Life


Everything else is optional.

Edited by mindw0rk2
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Well, coming from a performance standpoint I use mods that dont suck this out of the game. Regardless if this is useful to you, it will be handy for folks that have lower spec GPU with less than 1GBram.





1/ Dynavision/Imaginator.

Both have Zero performance hit. They give you the graphical qualities of an ENB but you get to create the exact style you want.

2/ Vanilla Reduced Textures.

Purely here for GPU saving measures. This mod is a tremendous help for saving GPU workload.

3/ Colourful Lights No Shadows.

Another GPU booster. This mod really does make a difference to your FPS. Highly recommended.




1/Alternate Start - Live Another Life.

This is really a simple mod, but after hours/momths playimg Skyrim this provides a fresh roleplaying base for your game.

2/ Realistic Ragdoll Force.

This mod you simply must have. The death animations in Skyrim are pure comedy gold but this mod injects some much needed realism into this.

3/ Requiem.

Not for everyone I guess, but its another one of those mods that freshens up your Skyrim experience. Its a 100X more realistic and thus very fun to use.

4/ Skyrim Flora Overhaul.

Another must have mod. The difference this mod make to the game is like night and day. It brings the world to life.

5/ Immersive Armours.

The best all-round armour mod for Skyrim. FACT. Stunning designs.

6 Climates of Tamriel.

The best general lighting/weather mod available. The most natural and balanced. Ive tried Realistic Lighting With Customisation but in my eyes it lacks the polish of CoT.



That's my take on the best mods. This is a great thread.

Edited by ryokanfan
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ryokanfan, thank you very much for posting these mods, I'm currently installing Alternate Start and Realistic Ragdolls.

As of the Immersive armors mod, I found it quite hilarious that it said "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. The mod was not installed". So yea, I think I might have gotten a bit over my head with this mod thingie. Anyone have any suggestions, or is it, as I think it is, unable to be changed? Maybe the mod itself is too big?

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You can (and should) have both Climates of Tamriel and Realistic Lighting with Customization at the same time. I also use "Zoner's RLwC and Imaginator settings".


Also, whoever said Imaginator and Dynavision will give you the same effects as an ENB is smoking crack (sorry) I have Stakado's Cinemascope ENB + Dynavision + Imaginator. May I suggest Complete Crafting Overhaul + Weapons and Armor Fixes

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