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How to change names in mods?


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So I've installed a lot of mods, all are great, but have one problem: they are english. I know this language quite well, but I got polish version of the game and everything that one mod touches is having its name replaced by the english version. It kinda ruins the depth and roleplay when entire city have normal names, and one or two buildings and quests have english :c For example, Dovahkiin Hideout by Shawkab change name of every place that has been slightly edited. I dont want to change language of the game itself, because i get used to my version and to me, it is more climatic than original. I don't want to do minor changes, only rename some things, like wolfs or houses. I know that some mods have translation, but only a few. Do I have to edit ESP files? If so, how? Also, I have no experience in modding :/ Thanks for any help
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