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Smithing and Tanning UI


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Is it possible for someone or the creator of SkyUI to create a UI for smithing and tanning? Like a tab menu where we can select between armors and weapons so that we can easily forge an item we wanted. Be it armor or weapon.


If I have the modding skills on scripting I will gladly do it. Since I have no modding skills, is it possible for me to request a UI for smithing (forge, tanning, sharpening, etc) ?

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  • 4 months later...

I would also love to see the smithing/tanning UI revamped. Once you start adding armors it can get tedious. Especially when there are 30 versions of " [hide/linen] cloak" or when everything ends up in the "Misc" armors section. It's nice to have the options, but sometimes all I want to do is cut some leather strips, you know?

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