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Dogmeat 'Whistle' Mod


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I wonder if there's a mod already have this function?


it will be a mighty handy feature to get Dogmeat out of a near death situation. u know, when he's being gang bang by 2 super mutants and a mirelurks, while 2 raider are harassing me.


with the 'recall' button, i can give a whistle and Dogmeat will disengage his fight and run to me, so i can give him a stimpak, thus, prolonging his ability to fight off the enemies & making Dogmeat dies less often.


Anyone interested to make this mod??



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Nice idea, I also think it'd be neat if you could give another style of whistle and make him lay down and "play dead" until told otherwise, making enemies simply ignore him. (Trying to give the mutt a stim-pack while in the middle of battling a couple super mutants would be difficult at best.


Currently the best available solution is to make him essential, so he gets knocked out instead of killed. (not very I admit realistic, but neither is a dog having the power to hurt/kill someone in power armor)

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yeah, making him lie down or play dead is a nice feature to add as well.


my theory on the whistle mod is to use the 'find ammo' or 'find food' script command and start from there. meaning instead of it being a conversation to activate the function, make it activate by hotkey.


anyone know which part of this file is the script located?

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