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A Few Mod Ideas :)


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HI everyone. Just had a few ideas on my mind while playing Skyrim this morning so I thought I'd put them out there and see if anyone might be interested in giving them a try. :)


1. I'd love to see a mod that somehow made your spouse (male or female) keep their current job rather than just sitting in your house with their "store". Also, maybe to have even more detail to it like the ability to ask your spouse to come with you on an adventure and him or her being able to say yes or no----because of having to work or something.


2. I'd love to see a lot more dialog w/ NPCs including a lot of flirting. Who says Nords have to be boring? I've found a wonderful mod with lots of dialog and new people recently called Interesting NPCs and I'm in love with it, but I'd like even more people and marriage (or just dating) partners, with even more dialog options. When I see someone as beautiful as Olfina in Whiterun walking around I think "If I were a guy, I'd have to flirt with her" LOL Or Alvor, my favorite married man. Every time I see him I wish that he'd at least flirt with my character, even if he's determined to be faithful to his wife. ;)


3. This is a whole other subject, but I would also love to see some improvements/tweaks to the whole Dark Brotherhood section. I always enjoyed the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion but wished for changes. Now I've seen some of those happen in Skyrim, BUT, there are some things I'm not crazy about. For one thing, I hate the look of the sanctuaries....something about the stone and all of the cobwebs grosses me out. (I'm afraid of spiders) Not to mention that they have a "pet" spider at one of the santuaries which guarantees I won't be going there anymore or staying if I do! Also, although I love the idea of actually having the Night Mother near by, I preferred the way they treated her in Oblivion as more of a ghost or a spirit. The mummified body grosses me out and so does her voice! :shivers: Along with that, the contracts are easy and kind of boring, and so I haven't had any urge to playing through the DB stuff again as I've been replaying Skyrim. I'd like to see a mix of things like a courier finding your character and when you read the note he passes to you, it's from a DB connection (or even the NIght Mother herself!) telling you who to kill. And then also having some of the NPCs do the Ritual to summon the DB (I'm not a stickler for cannon, so it wouldn't bother me that supposedly they don't do it that way anymore in Skyrim). Another thing would be to turn things up a notch and have there be consequences for your character---not only by the guards and stuff if they catch you killing someone, but also by the DB themselves if you decide not to fulfill a contract or to leave the DB completely.


4. Yet another thing (God, I know, more things!) I'd love to see is an area in vanilla Skyrim that's similar to the Shivering Isles from Oblivion. I loved the Soul Cairn while using Dawnguard, but after I installed Hearthfire I could no longer get into the Soul Cairn for some reason. Now I've uninstalled both and am looking for a neat place that's magical, different from the vanilla areas---some place where I can gaze up at the sky and it entrances me like the one in the Shivering Isles always does. : )


Anyway, I guess I"d better stop now or I'll have an endless list that goes on forever. Thanks for looking at my post and considering my ideas. I appreciate all the modders out there---you make this game very special!



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