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SKSE Question


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EDIT: I found what I was doing wrong, and my problem's been resolved. Sorry for wasting anybody's time!



The version I had of SKSE doesn't support the newest Skyrim patch, so I waited a while and tried to download the new one today. When I try to run it, it still says that it doesn't support the newest Skyrim patch. Am I downloading the wrong thing, or has the version of SKSE that supports this past patch just not been released yet?


I ask because when I check out mods that require SKSE, it looks like others are running them right now, making me think I'm just downloading the wrong thing.


I just use Gopher's (incredibly helpful) guide on downloading SKSE, so I'm getting it from skse.silverlock.org. It says its compatible with Skyrim 1.8, and I thought that that was the latest one, also making me think I'm doing something wrong. I'm just downloading it from the link on that page, like it says in the guide.


If I'm supposed to be downloading something else or doing something wrong, any help would really be appreciated. If the latest SKSE isn't out yet, sorry for wasting anybody's time!

Edited by FireBlue32
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The download I have of SKSE was from within the last week and is marked 1_6_04. My game client is 1.8.151 and I have no issues. I had an issue straight after the update which beta SKSE fixed last week, and found a post on Steam forums about using TESVEdit to get the CK working again.


Just unpack SKSE again and drag/drop the exe, both dlls and the Data folder into your /Skyrim directory, agreeing to overwrite when prompted. Make a new shortcut to skse_loader.exe and you should be set.

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