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Permanent over-encumbrance?


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I'm having an issue with my game: whenever I surpass my maximum carry weight in Skyrim, my character becomes over-encumbered (that's not the problem). The thing is, when I dump some of my items to lower my total weight to below the max value, the over-encumbrance effects won't go away until I restart the game (quit to desktop, then open again). I have played the game on PS3 without ever having this issue, so I am guessing it's an issue with one of the mods I installed on PC.


I was wondering if anyone else has run into this issue, and if anyone knows how to fix it: any help would be greatly appreciated.



The mods I'm using right now are:


A Quality World Map

Ethereal Elven Overhaul

Immersive Armors (v5)

Immersive Water 3

Morning Fogs

Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel - Final Edition



I also used to have The Joy of Perspective and SkyUI, but I had the NMM disable those.

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