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Blocky Faces fixes? / Ethereal Elven Overhaul alternative?


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In short, since my dumb ass closed Chrome for no reason and I lost everything I said the first time, what can I do to make Elves not look like alien lizard people, and is there anything I can do to remove the blocky rough mesh/morph around the mouths of all races that is especially pronounced on elves?


I'm using RaceMenu and CBBE, the Pure for skin, not that there is many options for Skin in Special Edition. Other than that there's that XPMC Skeleton or whatever. i think that's all that would effect bodies/faces.

Oh there's the Vampire Face reclamation mods too. But I've not been a vampire yet, let alone in character creation.


Edit: Figured out how to make use of the Sculpt feature. But it doesn't change that by default, everyone has these problems. I also noticed after leaving character creation that the high elf had really horrible wrist seam problems, as in a whole gap making it look like the hands were oversized skin-gloves.

Edit: The Black Face Bug is a blight on existence.

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