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Adding files to a BA2 via CLI


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I have an xEdit script to pack BA2 files. It basically just scans a mod for assets and then calls Archive2.exe with various arguments.


After encountering the issue that sound files must be uncompressed, I changed it so that if it detects even one wav or xwm file, it makes the Main.ba2 uncompressed.



However, now Kinggath found out that mixed-compression BA2s are actually possible.


So I have tried to improve my script to do that as well. But, in the -? output of Archive2.exe, there is nothing about adding files to an existing archive:

Archive2 <archive, files/folders> [<arguments>]

  archive        Specifies the archive to open (for extracting/opening an
  files/folders  Specifies the files and folders to open (for making an
                 archive, comma-delimited).
  arguments      Zero or more of the following:
   -sourceFile|s=<string> - quotes required if spaces are involved
    Sets the source file to find contents to archive
   -excludeFile=<string> - quotes required if spaces are involved
    Sets the file that lists files not to archive
   -create|c=<string> - quotes required if spaces are involved
    Tells archiver to create an archive with the specified name
   -extract|e=<string> - quotes required if spaces are involved
    Tells the archiver to extract an archive to the specified folder
   -root|r=<string> - quotes required if spaces are involved
    Tells the archiver what path to use for the archive root (instead of
    looking for a data folder)
    Sets the archive format (default - General)
    Sets the file compression settings (default - Default)
   -count=<unsigned int>
    Sets the archive count to make (default - 0)
   -maxSizeMB|sMB=<unsigned int>
    Sets the maximum archive size in megabytes (default - 0)
   -maxChunkCount|mch=<unsigned int>
    Sets the maximum number of chunks to use in a file (default - 4)
   -singleMipChunkX|mipX=<unsigned int>
    Sets the X component of the minimum size a mip should be to have its own
    chunk (default - 512)
   -singleMipChunkY|mipY=<unsigned int>
    Sets the Y component of the minimum size a mip should be to have its own
    chunk (default - 512)
    Does not write a string table to the archive
    Does not report progress or success (only failures)
    Tells the archiver to use temporary files instead of loading chunks
    into memory. Slower, but reduces memory usage
    Cleans up chunk temp folder on launch (do not use when multiple copies are
    A list of regular expressions for file inclusion.
    A list of regular expressions for file exclusion.
    Prints usage information.

Using the -c argument makes the tool overwrite the given archive, and -a (guesswork) doesn't exist.


I wonder: is it really impossible via CLI, and only possible via GUI, or is there a way? Could there be an undocumented parameter? Am I missing something?

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