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Mods you wish you had time to make

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@JanusForbeare: Moving to the businesses mods after the jobs one is done, those will probably take a while to make since I want to implement features well. But yeah, immersion is my thing and I have a few ideas that I want to do and hopefully, they won't make it to the wont-do list.


-Add Gambling dens

-Add Temples for every God, with a small quest line

- Newspaper


Newspaper is the last on the list right now which is why I think I won't have time to make it, especially that I would need to add a bunch of articles, that could take a while.

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I want to overhaul all of the playable races as I did with Ethereal Elven Overhaul. New morph sets and normal maps and more unique features + tons more polish for all of them.


I will never in this universe have the time to do it. EEO alone took me a month and a half of intensive work and all of my free time went into it, and that was three races that share nose and lip morphs. :confused: And I'm still slowly trudging along with its first update..


Maybe in a few years I'll just send Beth my resume. That'd scratch the itch.

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