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Follower will not fight, I even made her the same as my others???


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lol l haven't slept well at all. can't help you with this, but check that her ai package is the same as your other ones. and faction list maybe? no idea. good luck, though :P




although actually, there is a bug with followers sometimes not entering combat. not sure of the cause, but it does exist. have you tested it multiple times/locations etc?

Edited by slainia
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Things to check:


Voice type

Factions - PotentialFollower (rank 0), currentfollower (rank -1), potentialmarriage (rank 0 - optional)

AI Data - Aggressive, helps allies/friends, brave/foolhardy, etc. Double check this against a vanilla follower

AI Package - should just be DefaultMasterPackage.

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lol l haven't slept well at all. can't help you with this, but check that her ai package is the same as your other ones. and faction list maybe? no idea. good luck, though :P




although actually, there is a bug with followers sometimes not entering combat. not sure of the cause, but it does exist. have you tested it multiple times/locations etc?

Yes I've tried all that I've never run in to this before and I've made plenty of followers but thanks anyway

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Things to check:


Voice type

Factions - PotentialFollower (rank 0), currentfollower (rank -1), potentialmarriage (rank 0 - optional)

AI Data - Aggressive, helps allies/friends, brave/foolhardy, etc. Double check this against a vanilla follower

AI Package - should just be DefaultMasterPackage.

Yep all that is right too, I don't know what the hell is happening here!

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