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combining item mods


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Not sure if it is advised to do that -- however I think the only tool that will allow you to successfully merge the mods is something called TESVGecko though I am not 100% sure on it.
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Anything's possible if you're willing to manually merge them in the CK and you have permission of both authors. If you're looking for something automatic, I wouldn't know what might be able to do that. Presumably you're asking because there are conflicts between the two mods where they both replace the same items, otherwise it would work by load order I would guess.
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You'll probably want to learn how to use Wrye Bash to create a patch.




It's not the easiest tool to get into, but if you plan on playing skyrim for a good while it's probably a good investment of your time.






^^^ not sure how up to date everything is

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It's possible and fairly easy (though it can be time consuming if you're doing a lot of items, particularly if they have crafting recipes and/or modded enchantments). I've done this with a number of armor and weapon mods that I use. You can't release the combined mod without permission from the authors, but you can certainly do it for your own personal use.


Here, read this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/721611-combining-2-armor-mods-need-help/page__p__5742230__hl__combining+leveled+lists__fromsearch__1#entry5742230


One downside is that it makes it a pain to update the mods. Also, you have to make sure you get all the associated content. For example, weapons and armor will generally have crafting recipes, possibly leveled lists, and if they're enchanted with a non-vanilla enchantment, then you need to copy the enchantment and, if necessary, the magic effect as well.


If your concern is to just have the items appear in the correct leveled lists without having one mod overwrite another, then Wrye Bash is the best answer. It works really well for combining the leveled lists. I've not used it to actually combine mods, so I can't speak to that.

Edited by kryptopyr
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