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Confused Need Help


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Hi, i have hearthfires dlc and was awarded a place to live by the king of the rebellion but i dont see it on the map nor can i remember what he said...how do i find it please...come to that...how do i find a place like a farm to live in...i'm lost...please advise.


many thanks.

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If you were given a home by the usurper (Ulfric) then it's not part of the Hearthfire content. It's Hijerm Hall, in Windhelm, in the north west quarter of the city.


Hearthfire only works with 3 of the holds that aren't seperate city-zones. The exception being Winterhold, which has no land to offer for housing... most of it fell into the sea. That makes the Hearthfire-valid cities Morthal, Dawnstar and Falkreath.


Hope that helps.

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