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Crashing anywhere near Helgen


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I've seen many threads that issue crashes and Helgen, and have followed tips from people there, but none seemed to help.


I recently downloaded a few mods, and now I can't seem to get anywhere near Helgen. The odd thing is, after disabling my mods, making a new save, and going to Helgen, it still crashes.

Another odd part of this, is that I can't go around the town, it's like the "Crash Zone" is in a triangle from there all the way to Falkreath. I can't get anywhere near there without the CTD.

The main reason this is problematic is because I need to go to a tower behind this area for the Dawnguard questline, and now I can not get anywhere near it.



Out of the solutions I've found, the only one I've yet to try is re-installing Skyrim, which is simply because I'd rather not lose the mods that aren't causing problems, if it is in fact a mod causing this.




So now I'm simply looking for suggestions on what I should try next, or if anyone has had the same issue and found a way to resolve it. I'm tired of attempting to find the problem on my own, as it's been 2 hours of disabling and re-enabling mods, then going into the game only to have it crash once more.


Here's a list of all the mods I'm currently using, and the newly downloaded mods will have "-NEW" at the end:





AMO.esm -NEW

JSwords.esm -NEW

Sabre gear backpack

Realistic Map + Roads

Spell: Master The Time And Space

Spell: Force Fire

Spell: Force Push

Spell: Force Ice

Bondolf Rich Merchant

Better Gauldur Amulet

Emo Dummies

Potent Food

Better Dynamic Snow

Kerplunk - Watery Rocks

That's Ice

Terrain Bump

Enhanced Distant Terrain

Lush Grass

Lush Trees

Vibrant Auroras

HD Plants + Herbs

Fall of the Space Core

House Map Markers

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

More Dragon Loot

Followers can Relax

Stronger Daedric Artifacts

Follower Map Markers

HighResTexturePack01 & 02.esp

Better Horses

Detailed Mine Map Markers

Whiterun Trees


Mike's Mystical Mounts

Ignite The World

Shadow Striping Fix

The Dance of Death

Quest: No Mercy

Quest: The Bigger They Are

Night Eye Toggle

Airstream Levitation Spell

Crafting+: Weapons

Adventure Time wep. pack

Dwemer Buster

Summon Ice Wall Beta

Crafting+: Armor

Bloodier Combat

Phendrix Magic Evolved

Reduced Dual Casting Spell Costs

Better Magic

Monster Hunter for Skyrim

Dwarven Mechanical Equipment

Longer Lasting Mage Armor

Hellion Arrows

Fur Hoods HD

Chopping block / Wood fires fix

EzE's - Remove 3D Map Camera Restrictions

Ultimate Castle Defense

Lockpicking Measurement Vision

Realistic Water Textures and Terrain

Realmshatter Armor

Thu'um Infinium

Wilderness War Parties

Here There Be Monsters

Reduced Distance NPC Greetings

MinerFriends - Minecraft

Better Quest Objectives

Better Riften

Adventurers and Travelers

Hermit's Tree House

Invested Magic

Gender & Race Heights

Exteneded Archery Perk Tree

Divine Punishment for Mention of Arrows in the Knee

Minecraft Notched Pickaxe

New Bard Songs

Master The Space- Time Continuum

Amazing Follower Tweaks

Vanguard Armor

Seratic Armor (Gray)

Devil May Cry mod

INFINITE Charges For Daedric Artifacts

Midas Magic - Spells for Skyrim

Quest: Sea of Ghosts -Ultimate Edition-

Smithing Mastery Perks

Monster Hunter 3 Mod -NEW

Auto Unequip Ammo -NEW

Automatic Crossbows -NEW

AMO - Special.esp -NEW

AMO - Combat.esp -NEW

Cloaks.esp -NEW

Cloaks - No Imperial.esp -NEW

Cloaks - Player Only.esp -NEW

DaggerCraft.esp -NEW

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp -NEW

SkyRe_Combat.esp -NEW

SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp -NEW

SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp -NEW

SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp -NEW

SkyRe_Main.esp -NEW

SkyRe_Races.esp -NEW

SkyRe_StandingStones.esp -NEW


Most of these are from Steam Workshop, in fact, all the ones that aren't "-NEW" Are from workshop. I recently went back to Nexus because of the messed up Cloud Storage bugs.


So if you have any suggestions about load order, what mods are troublesome, or anything that may help, please leave a reply. Thanks.

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It could be some mod that seems to have altered a chunk of an area around Helgen; these include meshes and/or textures. Another possibility is some major name conflict causing the crashes, a bugged/dirty mod somewhere.


Also, have you run TES5edit to clean the .ESMs (except skyrim.esm)?

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I would not re-install Skyrim. People do that all the time and it doesn't seem to help. Many of the problems people experience are due to the contents of the save files. I've had every problem imaginable and have never re-installed, yet all problems seem to fix themselves over time, or I just start a new character and the game is stable until I start changing it again. I can't tell from your post which other "solutions" you have tried. So does that mean you've already tried the "wait 31 days in a non-respawning interior cell using the No Boring Sleep Wait mod" solution? You may have a bad mesh in that area, and it may be from something that resets, so resetting the cells might fix it. That's the first thing I do when that happens. It usually fixes the crash, although I've had to get rid of some mods when that didn't work.
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I have this same issue with an area near Morthal.


Come out of Morthal onto the main road, turn right, go across the bridge, and near the top of the hill after the bridge I get a CTD. I tried removing all mods, reinstalling and nothing fixes the CTD. It even affects clean saves.

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It could be some mod that seems to have altered a chunk of an area around Helgen; these include meshes and/or textures. Another possibility is some major name conflict causing the crashes, a bugged/dirty mod somewhere.


Also, have you run TES5edit to clean the .ESMs (except skyrim.esm)?




I don't really have any mods that specifically alter Helgen, as I don't really care for the place other than me being able to get out of it at the start of the game. And I haven't tried TES5edit, so I'll go take a look at that now.





I figured re-installing the game wouldn't do anything other than waste time, so I was saving that as a last resort type thing. I haven't seen that sleeping thing yet though, I'll check that out.


I think one of the main things causing the problem may be Hearthfires, because after I downloaded it and tried going to the plot of land for the Falkreath area, I get CTD when I get close. I assume that it may have something to do with that, because I can't really go in that entire section of the map, in a triangle form from Helgen to Falkreath, as far as I've noticed.




Thanks for the tips guys. :)





I tried the 31 day wait thing inside of the Dawnguard castle/fortress, and then headed outside and fast traveled to Helgen, and still got the CTD. I'm thinking I may not have done it right? Do I need to disable my mods first or anything specific? I simply did it with my mods on, which likely did nothing.

EDIT: I tried without any mods besides Update and Dawnguard, and still got a crash at Helgen after waiting 31 days in the Dawnguard Fortress. Is there a certain place where this would work better?


As for the TES5Edit file cleaning, after following a video and cleaning each .esm one by one, my game is still crashing once I fast travel to or anywhere near Helgen. Again, I did not disable my mods for this, but will try that in a bit.

EDIT: Also didn't work without mods, unfortunately.


Hopefully I can get this worked out, because so far nothing seems to be working.

Edited by Mishigi
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I found a save that's capable of getting to Helgen without CTD, the only problem with this...is that it's a save just before I went through the Soul Cairn and did all the quests there... I REALLY don't want to go back there if I can help it.


So I'm gonna try to find out what I did to make the crashing happen, because the time from the save that works, and one that doesn't work is only a matter of a few hours.

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Due to me getting tired of trying to fix this, and me getting tired of the general buggy-ness that is the Steam Workshop, I've reinstalled Skyrim in its entirety, and am now reinstalling mods from the Nexus. Thanks for the help, but I think just starting from scratch would be best.
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Due to me getting tired of trying to fix this, and me getting tired of the general buggy-ness that is the Steam Workshop, I've reinstalled Skyrim in its entirety, and am now reinstalling mods from the Nexus. Thanks for the help, but I think just starting from scratch would be best.


I had the same problem in another area after updating the game just so I could play dawnguard. the reinstall didnt help and I didnt have many mods at all... like maybe 10. The problem is in the mod infected save file Im betting. The update broke some mod that isnt compatible with the update.

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If reinstalling Skyrim doesn't fix your problem it might be that you


a) didn't delete your ini files - maybe a bad ini setting was causing the crash

b) didn't delete your Skyrim folder and subfolders, thus leaving loose dlls/scripts/meshes/textures/mods behind

c) didn't delete your savegames - maybe a corrupted save was the problem


Also, I'm not convinced that "cleaning" masterfiles with TES5EDIT is a good idea.

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