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Vilja Mod Ra'Zehn problem


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First of all, hello everyone, this is my first post ever.


Well, lately I installed Vilja mod, an awesome mod, and began playing lots with her.

But, on the quest to find back her flute, I got a problem.

I met up Ra'Zehn in Riverwood, he asked me to go get his own flute or something in a fort.

I went there, killed them all, recuperate the goods, gave back an item to someone in Dawnstar.

But, now, needed to go back to Riverwood to give back the item to Re'Zehn, in the tavern.

His friend(that is scared of the curse of the opened bottle) is there, but i dont find back Ra'Zehn anymore.

Nowhere to find him, I checked every time of day, and around the tavern, and i cannot find him back and I am stuck.


I also read. that when this is completed, he will tell the flute of Vilja is now in possession of someone in a Temple of Mara in Riften, I also went there, and found nothing.


Could someone help me to finish this part of the quest(giving back Ra'Zehn flute to Ra'Zehn) any help, hints or whatever would be appreciated.



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