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The Evolving Society Mod


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I really hope this project stays alive and is released sometime in the near future.

This is an awesome idea, and when will it be available?

Also: where will the island be located and what will it require to get there or to run? Will it be on the map or..?


Well, in three weeks the project will complete two years and I have worked on it at least a little bit almost every day since the beginning, so the chances are high that I will see it to the end.


I am not sure about the "near future" part, thou.

It will depend on how much help you guys will offer. I guess that I will need about six months to put all the pieces together and release a version with the full "mechanic" part of the mod, meaning the ability to hire NPCs, build houses, build cities and villages, have NPCs going back and forth doing their chores and such.

But this is just the foundation and the skeleton of the mod.


In parallel, during this period, I hope the community will provide enough help to "beef up" the mod with a good story line, interesting dialogs and exiting plots and quests to provide reasoning for the building up of the island.


This and the other mod threads have more than enough creative suggestions. All I need now is people to make them come to life.


The island will be somewhere west of Anvil Golden Coast.

Why and how you get there will be part of the main story line that will be discussed by the team members.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great!! You are, officially, the first team member.


The team forums will be hosted at The Wormhole, but they are not set up yet.

And I still need a couple of weeks to set up the basic esm the team work will be based on.


Meanwhile, you could spend some time reading the suggestions in the mod threads, as (I suppose) one of the first things the team should do is discussing the alternatives for the main storyline and side quests.

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Ok, I've read about halfway through already.

Good. We will start discussing the main storyline in the mod forums as soon as we get a few more members, as per the official invitation below.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I am glad to announce that the mod concept proved technically feasible and we are ready to go to the next phase and start developing the mod itself.


I say "we" because the first thing in the order of business is inviting you gals and guys to help me build this mod.


The team forums have been just set up at The Wormhole and if you are willing to work with the team, just present yourself in the Welcome thread.


I could create a working mod with what I already have, but it would be interesting only for the city-builder kind of player and dull for everybody else. So we need to make it more 'colorful' by adding an interesting storyline and challenging side quests.

The side quests will be the main tool for the player balancing the development of the community, as the result of these quests will increase or decrease the satisfaction of the population, individually or by groups.


As I mentioned in the first post (wow, it has been 2 years already) I can handle the scripting part of it, but I need help with the other aspects of modding, both on the creative and technical sides of it. There are already a lot of creative suggestions in this and other mod forums, so I suppose most of the work to be done is related to discussing, choosing and creating the side quests. New ideas and suggestion will always be welcome, of course.


As I see it in my lack of experience with large mods and team work, the initial composition of the team should be like this:



Project Technical Leader - I need someone knowledgeable and experienced with the technical part of ESPs and ESMs, external tools and all the aspects of putting together the bits and pieces generated by team members.

Scripter - me

Quest developers - more than one, to split the work of developing the many foreseeable side quests. Lord Jefferson has already volunteered.

Dialog developers - one or more, I suppose


'Nice to have's

Moddelers - although this mod can be done using just vanilla meshes, it would be great to have a few custom meshes as well.

Interior decorators - Again, it would be great if we had some customized interiors for some of the facilities we will have in the mod, like the sawmill or the hospital.

NPC creators - same as above

Resource prospectors - to suggest modder resources that would fit the requirements that will pop up along the way.

Beta testers - probably will become a 'must' in the later phases


We won't need landscapers, because the island was offered by the "NPC With Jobs" project and I want to keep it as is, as a homage to the original creators and as respect for their work. Besides, it is perfect for this mod, as it has specialized regions fit for the planned extraction facilities (farms, quarries, mines and lumber sites).


Anyway, regardless of your modding skills, if you are willing to work I am sure you can help in some way.


Hope to see you there.

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  • 1 month later...

I dont know if this is still going on, or if you gave up or finished. If you finished i havent found it any where so ehres my ideas, and my island idea i kind of got from a book by the best auther alive :P


Island:Watever u wana nam ite

Description of island:

In our world, we have known the essence of magic our whole live. We have breathed it, we fealt it, we have seen it, and we have feared it. Which brings me to a better question, which is more rightfully feared? Protecting yourself from magic, with magic, or fighting magic with no magic at all? Ah, i can see your face is perplexed. You do not understand what i am saying. (Chuckles) Well, i shall simplify it for you. Our bodies, or being, maybe even our spiritual existance, has always been comprahensive of magic. Weve ben able to detect it as well as use it. We not only understand it and weild it, we make it ourselves. It contributes to everything we do, from waking up to lying down. From winning a war. to farming the land. Yet, what would happen to this world, if our magic dissapeared? We would be around other places with powerful magic, that could wipe us out as easily as an argonian picks a lock, or a kajhiat prowls the night undetected. It would be complete anarchy. No economy would exist, there would no refuge and now way to survive. Madness you say? Well, as lord sherogorath has shown his world and select people of ours,madness exists. A good distance from here lies and island. A dark, cold empty place stained with the faces of those who know not of life, but only pain and suffering. This island is called ***********************(WATEVER YOU WANT)*****************

here here is no happiness, here there is no magic. The people who inherit the island were once part of these lands, living and growing happily. Until, the emperor(whichever one i dont care) declared a new law. All inhabitants of cyrodil, of tamriel, must have the abillity to use magic. Those who do not will be exiled, and shall never return. Those who could use arcane arts, were indeed exiled andforced to live upon(islands name) for all of eternity. Those who have managed to survive out there, will not survive much longer. They have no food, no resources, no refuge. They need a hero, one wise and brave enough to show them that even though they are different, they are still powerful, and they are still the children of (what ever the gods name who is the main god)!! If you are this such hero, go to the waterfront district. Out by the lighttower in the water will be a small boat. If you wish to fix the wrongs of your own kind, then this shall be the way. Go now hero, an island awaits its hero, this island awaits its emperor......


ok, that despition was my creation, i didnt get it from the book. the only thing i got from the book was the basic concept. in a book ive read a lot they live in a land without magic, and every animal there is mythical animals. well there is an island way out that has no magic, any one with magic cannot use it there. there was no inhabbitants on the island in the book though. This descrpition i was thinking could be told to you by an old man, after youve talked to beggars and other people they tell you about this man, maybe u have to ask a few about the boat by the light tower, before they tell u where the man is. When you talk to him u hear that description. Ok, now u were needing ideas on how to make the island an economic city. Well if u have ever played evony, thats ur answer. For example:

If you were using stone as a resource this could be a way of handling it

You could talk to an orc on the island, this orc would say he thinks the island would prosper if they had ways to build strong buildings and walls. You ask him why cant they, and he says this island is full of resources, it would take centuries to use them all up, they only problem is there old mine has caved in due to attacks by weird off landers. He says if they had the money to buy the supplies then they could make walls and buildings. Then it gives you a choice(which i have two ides for this part)

first idea: give him 150 gold for tools to clean up th mess, or 300 gold for supplies and 1 worker(which would increase speed of mining)

Second idea: Choice 1, 150 supplies for normal rate of mining and upgrade, 2nd ch, 250 gold for high minig speed, 250 gold for high mine upgrade.

Now miningspeed is how much stone you would get per minute or hour

Miningupgrade speed is how fast your mine upgrades when you pay ro upgrade it, whcih in turn allows u to use better stones for better things.

Now im thinking the same can go for pretty much everything, like for farming say that the farms were burned in an attackk and all tools were destroyed to, woods, half of the woods were burned but new trees have started to grow but tis hard to get lumber with dead trees n the way and all ur axes were used to ifhgt off intruders. The inn could be a great place for everything. Here you could tell the old guy who told u about the island, he lives here and went to land in and hid waiting for the beggars to find them a hero. It turns out he was a contruction person back in his youth, which now he is like 800 yrs old but looks like 70(when the emperor exiled them he spit in the emperors face and the emperor had him cursed to live forever on the island, u can include that sum where or not dnt care) and he will help with laying out plans for building. So talk to him to upgrade buildnings and mines and have stuf built. Now, in your home/office, there could be a book a few books lined up on the table. One book could be the Island economy book, here you can over veiw your islands stats, pay so much gold for scouts to go find more ppl to join ur island, and inn the desk the book sits on is where the gold made by the island tha isnt used for upkeep is stored. The second book could be millitary records, here you can overveiw your millitary status and train troops. Also ini your house could be an old vet hwwo was forced to live on the island who was a speacil asasin for the old emperor, you can talk to him and he will train troops from your millitia into anething u want, spies, warriors, archers wat ever. last book could show you what weapons are in youre armory, reason i kept this seperate from the millitary book is bc this is where tools will be stored also. so if you hire a farmer u make him a rake, just to be realistic.

You may b able to script the rake forsay, to when ever you give it to a hired resident, he is turned into a farmer by the script. Same for everything except millitary, those can be trained in the home/office.

Now, for the farm this would be simple setting it up mesh wise. On one side of the forest make the trees so thick its hard to c through, then put up a fence that your player could never get over, like super huge fence. Then post a sign called farm, once u give a resident a rake they walk off and dissapear, then ur crops increase, that way it looks like the farm is real, and when the player dissapears it will prevent lag from having to many ppl in one cell. For the mine same thing, have a lil shack thats the mine, when u give them a hammer they walk up to th door and dissapear and ur stone goes up, same for farming to. This is all im gong to post for now, email me if you liked it

email both plz

if u dnt like it email me and so u dnt, if u do i have more ideas. i hope u get this

Edited by xxxaidenlynnxxx
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First . . . Yes, it is going on steadily. I won't give up on this one.

We have just started putting a team together, although I am still working on the basics and the team has not much to do at the moment.


If you know your way around the CS, please consider joining the team.


As for your suggestions, they are quite aligned with the mod concept.


Some comments:

I was thinking about an empty island were people might show up every once in a while (for whatever reason that fits the storyline) and the player would hire the ones best fit for the job openings at the moment (farm work, guard work, etc).

I suppose an island filled with outcasts, as you propose, might be an alternative. It certainly will be considered when the team starts debating the main storyline.


The building and upgrading mechanics are already defined and the scripts created and working. Not exactly as you suggested, but close: money will have no part on the island, but you will need raw materials to build and / or upgrade a facility.


We are thinking alike when it comes to the books. Just a couple of weeks ago I played around with some test scripts to create the book texts dynamically and use it to create some journals to help the player manage the island.


(I suggest you remove your emails from your post. Email address on public forums are an invitation for trouble.)

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First . . . Yes, it is going on steadily. I won't give up on this one.

We have just started putting a team together, although I am still working on the basics and the team has not much to do at the moment.


If you know your way around the CS, please consider joining the team.


As for your suggestions, they are quite aligned with the mod concept.


Some comments:

I was thinking about an empty island were people might show up every once in a while (for whatever reason that fits the storyline) and the player would hire the ones best fit for the job openings at the moment (farm work, guard work, etc).

I suppose an island filled with outcasts, as you propose, might be an alternative. It certainly will be considered when the team starts debating the main storyline.


The building and upgrading mechanics are already defined and the scripts created and working. Not exactly as you suggested, but close: money will have no part on the island, but you will need raw materials to build and / or upgrade a facility.


We are thinking alike when it comes to the books. Just a couple of weeks ago I played around with some test scripts to create the book texts dynamically and use it to create some journals to help the player manage the island.


(I suggest you remove your emails from your post. Email address on public forums are an invitation for trouble.)


Well, im not the best with cs, im still in the process of learning all its contraptions, but i have realized the easiest way to make stable things sumtimes is to use something that already exists, like sumone was looking for an automail arm like the kid in full metal alchemist has, and im going to do it soon by finding armor that has arms that resemble the automail arm and just delete all of it but the arm, and mess with it aq lil while untill it works. So, id look around b4 u build somethings from scratch :P it would save time and headaches lol. Also the outcasts could be there, and people could still show up from outher places. Say if a family of farmers lost everything in an attack on there village and escaped in a boat or something, and they were sailing for a long time and finally found land, the island. Coming up with a story for additional additives, like people just appearing on the island is simple, it doesent need extrordinary detail or background stores, just liltte tidbits of information, but if there is an island then there should be people already living there, like the story i came up with it, that way you dont just sail to an island and be like o, u know wat, i think i wana start a village. There needs to be something that draws the player in, something that makes a player wether there evil or good, feel sorry for them, and the one thing that makes people understand a,d feel sorry for others is the concpet of bing cast out and alone. LOL i learned that in psychology class, im sure you know all of this any way, and this is your masterpiece so by all means do what you wish, dont let other peoples ideas ruin your creation, i just want to give me two cents worth lol i love to write, and i love psychology, and the one thing games lack the most of is psychology. Sure the characters have emotions and stuff, but they dont seem real, they dont seem like someone u would actually meet in a real world. Ppl love rpg bc it isnt real, its an imaganitve adventure and land, but that doesent mean the ppl shouldnt be real. So, if you do make it remember, the more emotion you show, the more ppl will like the game. Lol listen to me, lol im making myself sound like a game expert.

Btw, the whole solider thing, you could set it up to where ppl will try and raid you, and if you win, you can fix up some of the damaged troops that attacked u then recruit them for your own island. that would help with building a defense.

and if its possible, it would be cool if you could set up a way to atk other place. You dnt have to build real places, just like but names on a menu and you can click attack and set up how many troops u wnt dispatched and if u win then ur population will increase and u can get more resources. Whats an empire without war? Email me when u reply

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