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Impossible to write PapyrusScript


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Hello Nexus!


I've used your sites for quite a while, and now I want to take my baby-steps into modding myself.


It's simple. I want to make a spell that teleports the players to his/her home. How to locate the home I would need some help on, since you can own multiple houses and maybe you don't even have a house when you want to use it. Like, maybe a list of houses would appear if you owned more than 1 house. I don't even know how to check this, but it's all irrelevant.


When I go to add a [New Script] in the Effect Editor, I fill in the spot of what to call my script and then I am presented with the following error (The Extend is 'activemagiceffect' without quotes):



If I just remove the extension, and then manually add it in the editor, and then write the script and compile, I get a bunch of errors.

The compiler doesn't know what an ObjectReference or Actor is.


I've tried to search the web, and I found absolutely nothing. All the links pointed to the Creation Kit Wiki, but there were no answers for this error.


Help would be greatly appreciated! (for both problems).

Edited by igor1222
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