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companion story quest request


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I have a request for a companion mod arcane fox the story behind this.



Arcane fox comes to skyrim searching for his master Merlin an owl mage after he vanished from his tower home far away he searches skyrim till he winds up in winterhold collage and he asks the dovakin for his aid and the story starts to begin searching every town till they get to windhelm they heard a rumor that he is held up in bleakfalls burrow a boss fight ensues with a kajhiit maruder mage after the battle merlins returns home arcane desides to help the dovakin in his adventures and rewards the player with a set of merlins robes the robe has many enchantments


the enchantments are 100% spell reflection 100% magicka recharge and 500 MP



here is a picture ref of arcane fox http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5264156/


if u have questions note me i'll answer yur questions as best as i can

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