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Strange Book Cover


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Either I'm blind, or just very unobservant... but I do not see anything, if its one the spine of the book, then I may have a guess of what it is...
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Well there is that helmet Atti uses as his avatar (that also looks a bit like a skull if you view it close up) on the spine. There are words I can't read on the spine too. 3600 Forint? When I was last in Hungary that was not so cheap.
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Nah! The thing on the spine looks like your avatar from a distance and if you zoom in it also looks like a skull (to me) or something equally dead. No offence intended!
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here is a better pic..

the thing circled with blue looks like a skull or a !cobra..

the other thing circled with red is only the result of scanning however its still very interesting:)

btw what is on your avatar Malchik?it looks like a fat man in tie sitting behind a desk with his hands on it...just if you havent seen this in it yet..:)

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secondly the eye-thing circled in red.. Reminds me of DiseasedPunk's Avatar..


i think it looks more like a demon's head (well, they way i picture demons anyway :) i guess it depends on the eye that sees ;))

but still...creeeeeepy.


And the other one looks like a Alien (from the alien movies)


Atti, do you have more pic's like that? because crepy can be fun ^_^

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