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Buy new CPU?

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Just wanted a quick input regarding choice of CPU. I currently have an AMD Phenom II X6 1100T, but gonna be making a move to an Intel i5 2500K, since my processor is relatively old. Decisions, decisions, however, as the price difference between i5 2500K and i5 3570K in Canada is just over 40$. Should I keep my decision or move to the i5 3570K? Please consider that I do not game too much, and that PCI Express 3.0 do not translate to a huge performance increase. I have all other requirements for a PC (pretty well-oiled machine) and I already have an ASUS P8 Z77 motherboard (courtesy of the lovely little wife at home).


As well, please do advise that whether I have posted this in the right section, I don't speak good English (I'm a Finnish and Arabic man). Pardon my writing if I have done an error.


Thank you!

Edited by ZeroKing
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Since you already have a Z77 board you might at well take advantage of the VirtuMVP and other features available only on Z77. These features are only accessible with ivy bridge. You may not game much, but in my humble opinion, buying the older CPU when you are fully capable of running the new one will only set you back. Go for the i5 3570k
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Just wanted a quick input regarding choice of CPU. I currently have an AMD Phenom II X6 1100T, but gonna be making a move to an Intel i5 2500K, since my processor is relatively old. Decisions, decisions, however, as the price difference between i5 2500K and i5 3570K in Canada is just over 40$. Should I keep my decision or move to the i5 3570K?

It's a difficult case. Ordinarily I'd say take 2500K, since the performance difference between 2500K and 3570K is very small. Extra features are pretty useless (Virtu), since you presumably have a midrange video card.

However, it's also a small difference between 1100T and 2500K.



Please consider that I do not game too much, and that PCI Express 3.0 do not translate to a huge performance increase.

If you aren't into gaming, why even replace the CPU?


In non-gaming tasks, Phenom II X6 1100T sits between i5-2500K and i7-2600K. As you overclock all of them, 1100T is about equal to 2500K or 3570K.


Basically, you have one of the fastest CPU in the consumer segment at the moment (semi-server platforms nonwithstanding). Its weakness is game performance, but it doesn't exactly need replacing, and moving to 2500K or 3570K will be somewhat of a tradeoff - higher game and single-threaded performance, slightly lower multi-threaded performance.


If I understand correctly, you already have the new motherboard, so there's no serious choice to put the upgrade/sidegrade off until at least Haswell.


If not games, what are the most demanding tasks you use your PC for? There might be a need for 2600K or 3770K there, if you do need the extra speed.

Edited by FMod
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I apologized if I have not made it clear. My 1100T has aged after a good period of usage, and I thought it'd be nice to make use of the new motherboard my wife had gotten for me (she games a lot). I do a lot of engineering work, requiring the use of both single- and multi-threaded performance in equilibrium. I game from time to time (I configure ENBs for Skyrim, really) and I process an AMD 7970 (excellent sale where I live). As well, even with an aftermarket cooler, it seems that my CPU has reached its limit (higher temperature than normal, and I keep my machine well-maintained, that much I can tell I've done a good job at), so I thought in the end it'd be a good idea to upgrade. Money isn't a true budget, thought I could save some money by balancing performance versus budget between the two chosen processors. I had the full intention to buy an Intel processor out of the two mentioned, regardless.


Thank you for the advice, I'm making use of the Ivy Bridge technology and decided with the i5 3570K (there was a store-discount here, quite convenient). Got a good boost in overall performance, interestingly a good ~20% in multi-threaded performance increase for both gaming and my engineering job.

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