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Grayhill Keep


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One thing you could try is to open it in TesVEdit. You will see that it makes what appears to be a dirty edit to the Bannered Mare ie changes Ysoldas Chair. Delete this change and have another go.

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Have you tried with just this mod and Skyrim and DLC loaded? If it works then you will know you have a mod conflict with something else and not a problem with the mod itself.

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Im running currently 300+ mods without any conflict. I have no mod changing the cell, where grayhill keep is located.

If i would disable every mod, except Skyrim, DLC and grayhill keep, im pretty sure the game won't run :laugh:.

I need someone who can take a look at the grayhill keep and tells me, what is wrong with it, cause im not that familiar with modding :confused:

Again, thank you.

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The first thing when debugging is to try the mod on its own to find out whether its a conflict with other mods you have or a problem with the mod itself.


I don't know which mod manager you use; but just set up a profile (or whatever you manager calls it) to just have Skyrim, DLC and Grayhill keep in it, run the game with that and see if you get the same problem.

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