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No Apiary?


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If you can't guess from the title, I have no apiary. I've built a house in Falkreath 3 times now, even started a brand new game for the 3rd try, but I never get the option. From what I've read, you have to choose between the garden and the 'special building', which is the apiary in this case. I've checked the misc section after every step of the building process and it has never appeared. The garden is the only thing I haven't built at this point. I have no clue what's wrong here since I can't seem to find anyone else with this issue by searching on google, or here, or anywhere...


Do I need to complete a certain quest involving bees for the option to show up? (you know the one...)


Could an unrelated mod have removed the option somehow? (I have no mods that alter Hearthfire content)

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Sorry I don't know what's causing your issue... But a few things: there is no quest requirement beside buying the land. The option to build the apiary for Lakeview should be showing up under Misc as soon as you buy the land. And, you shouldn't have to choose between it and something else.


Yes, unrelated mods can mess things up. Maybe post your mod list?

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Worked for me first time, after a full clean install of everything.

Its been remarkably bug free, I was expecting hell by the way some people were talking of 1.8 and Hearthfire.


I guess my config is just Bethesda friendly :blush:

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