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Melee Vats request


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I would like a mod that simply increases the attack range in vats for melee and unarmed, somethings like 2x. If possible it would be nice to configure melee vats to always show up behind the person when striking, giving that fable assasin rush feel. I figure melee would be a lot more balance if vats range was increased and ap consumption was reduced for unarmed and melee attacks.
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I also would like to be able to target specific body points, just like with ranged weapons. makes no sense I can't hit some guy in the face with my fist if I wanna, or knock the gun out of his hand.


the only thing I've seen so far, is someone had the bright idea of having bare-fisted (no unarmed weaponry at all) have a much lower AP cost, which is fantastic (it's about twice as fast as using the deathclaw gauntlet). it works great for knocking people down when you get to high levels of unarmed.


the mod is in the vault there somewhere (I think under gameplay changes).

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The way I see it, if your attk range in vats was increased by a lot you could attack one person, cycle to the next attack him and move on without being touched, kinda how assasin rush was used in the first fable. ^^ if nothing else id make for a lot of fun
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