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Voice Actors needed!!


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Why is it that when I take one step away from the forums, people start show up like phantoms XD. I gotta make this page my home page from now on. Let's see what I missed:


I have a very good mic,just ask me what male roles you need me to do,unfortunately,my voice isn't very deep and I haven't figured out how to do a good grainy voice (which means I suck at doing anything that sounds like solid snake :P)


Don't worry, the mod doesn't require anything battle-hardened(At least not yet), as I have stated earlier that I'm working on this piece-by-piece(alone for now), So the story is slowly being developed in a way that I can make it happen within the game. It's a long process, and it'll take some time.


I could throw in if you want.


Australian, deep voice, can do a "alright" Khajiit voice, might be able to do some of the things that you want, anyways, at some point I will email some sound files if there are some slots still open?


Asking if there are still spots open for mods on the Nexus forums is like asking if free health-care still exist in Canada. Yes, I'm always open for new people to help me out on this. the more the merrier. The first part of the full script is on the first page of this thread. Just download it if you can, read through it, see a part you like and send a voice file sample of the lines your auditioning and I'l see where I can fit you. Or if you feel otherwise, send me a self made voice sample of your own making. If you don't find any role you'd be interested in on the current script version, new roles are always opening up, so just stay tuned and more will come.


For everyone else, same thing as above. If you want a part PM me on the forums or my e-mail([email protected]) to show you're interested in the mod, or just send me a voice sample or if you're not doing voices but want to help me with the technical parts, be sure to PM me at the forums for signing on. And I'll remember to keep everyone updated on the mod and its progress. THanks again guys for your support. :thumbsup:

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I must say that I too would be interested in pitching in if help is still required.

You'll all have to forgive me for not posting updates regularly. I've got other mods as well as college studies that pre-occupy my time so I won't post a lot. But I'm seeing this mod through that's a promise. It'll take some time (a lot actually) but it's not dead. Leave you info in my inbox via PM and voice files that yo have. If you're interested in being on the modding team and the technical side of things, PM me with "urgent" on your message.




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