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hey guys so for serana im using npc transfer tool and i have her ported with tali the bounty hunter,ive been using amazing follower tweaks from the start of the game and i suddently had the bright idea to swap with immersive amazing follower tweaks cause i wanted to have more than 5 followers,i did a reset to aft unistalled it and then i installed the immersive version.After 2days i readed that it is buggy af and can break things more easily than aft sooooo i had the bright idea to switch on aft again,i had serana as follower at the time and when i went to play serana had black head and invisible hands,i did a quicksave and reload and then her face were fine but hands still invisible,i removed the rest of her armor and the whole body was invisible just with a floating head...

i went to older savegames and she was fine but if i do reset with aft even on older save games it happens the same her body going invisible

i used the npc visual transfer again to change her with someone else and she is fine but without animations for example when she is talking her mouth isnt moving or she cant sit in chairs and stuff like that

i could use a hand i cant really find whats wrong with her all my other followers are fine

Edited by Johnsp2
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