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Troubles with water...


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Hello everyone.


I am new to Skyrim modding, and I have noticed a very annoying water glitch.

As I like for everything to be perfect, I would appreciate if someone would help me about this glitch.


So, yesterday I have installed "Realistic Improved Shaders ENB and FXAA" (link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10997) and "Skyrim HD" texture pack (link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/607)

and I get this when I dive underwater:






This could be because some mods are incompatible, but I am only using those two mods that are listed above, SkyUI, SKSE and Snow Elf Playable Race.

I would be grateful if someone would help me out with this glitch.

Thanks everyone in advance!



P.S. I am sorry if you notice some grammar mistakes, although I do my best at English.

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