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Decrease bullet spread in if conditions are met


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I can understand that lasers will be more accurate than handguns, but the bullet spread seems to be overly exaggerated.


From what I understand, factors that affect bullet spread may be as follows:


Physical position (standin vscrouching)

Standing still vs moving

Weapon skill

Weapon condition

Aiming vs not aiming


It would be nice of the bullet spread could be reduced further with each of these conditions, such that when you have a 100 skill in a weapon category, with a weapon in perfect condition, while crouching, aiming, and staying still, accuracy would be greatly improved.


I'm unfortunately finding that one of the best tactics is to run up to someone and get as close as possible before firing, which doesn't make a lot of sense, but it is one of the only ways to cancel out the bullet spread effect.

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