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Far Cry 2-like safehouse crates


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I had an idea last week, while playing Far Cry 2, I wanted to make a couple safehouses in FNV, but in FC2, the weapon crates; 3 total; Primary, Secondary, Special; are linked regardless of what safehouse or dealer armory you visit, those familiar with FC2 probly know what I'm talking about. I want to bring that into FNV. I had an idea to make an Activator script, I already have the crates in a cell of their own all with REF on the end of their Reference ID. I would just like to know if there is a script that would open the container using an Activator, so that way whatever is placed in the crates can be picked up at any safehouse, if it works, i might release it depending how well it turns out. Thank you in advance
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scn OpenRemoteCrateSCRIPT

ref rLinked

BEGIN OnActivate Player
set rLinked to getLinkedRef
rLinked.Activate Player


That should do it. Here's info on Linked Refs. This way you can have one script for all 3 containers (or however many you feel like making). Just link the activator to the container in your remote cell (make sure the remote containers are flagged as persistent), and they should get opened any time the player activates the object.

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scn OpenRemoteCrateSCRIPT

ref rLinked

BEGIN OnActivate Player
set rLinked to getLinkedRef
rLinked.Activate Player


That should do it. Here's info on Linked Refs. This way you can have one script for all 3 containers (or however many you feel like making). Just link the activator to the container in your remote cell (make sure the remote containers are flagged as persistent), and they should get opened any time the player activates the object.


Awesome, worked great, thanks for the quick response. Hopefully I can possibly release this someday. Anyway, thank you again, I appreciate it

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