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Help: Removing Rocket Launcher


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I've been trying to remove the rocket launcher from my heavies and replace it with a pistol. The reason why I want to do this is because I've removed the Fire Rocket perk from my heavy at the Squaddie level. So far I've not had much luck.


Simply adding the property eWP_Heavy to the pistol does nothing. This problem is probably more complex than this because the pistol doesn't even show up in the Sidearm list. It may have something to do with the fact that the launcher is a large item. Maybe heavies get two large slots, but this is unlikely as no other large weapons show up in this list. More than likely its a hardcoded feature packed away in some .upk file. Has anyone has run across any leads on this?


An oddity I found was that adding eWP_Nonr (just a typo, could probably be anything) allows you to place the rocket launcher, or anything for that matter, in a backpack slot. EDIT: Oddly enough, Ewp_backpack does not. Additionally adding eWP_AnyClass allows anyone to equip it in their backpack, and the Fire Rocket icon appears. However without the Fire Rocket perk the character can't use it (which is the problem I'm having with my heavies). I haven't tried adding the Fire Rocket perk to any other class yet to see if it will function. Another problem that makes this find almost, but not quite, useful is that even with a heavy adding more launchers to your pack does not increase the number of rockets you can fire.


I know it was managed to get the Arc Thrower into the pistol slot. I wonder if theres a possibility of these problems being related.


Anyone have any insight into this?


EDIT: Its most definitely something hardcoded. Adding the eWP_Pistol property allows everyone to equip the launcher in their pistol slot. And the graphic shows up on the leg like a normal pistol. Heavies on the other hand have the launcher equipped on their back in the pistol slot. So this suggests that the heavy class was specifically coded to have the launcher, only the launcher, and placed differently from everyone else. I just have no idea where to begin on this front, if its even possible.

Edited by nobody4422
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Yup, quite I few people here tried to tinker with the heavy's sidearm, and none succeeded. It is indeed hardcoded somewhere in the class definition, which I believe we don't have access to. There may be a native function call somewhere that might lead us to the right bits for an exe hack like what was done for isretailversion=0, but that sounds quite challenging.
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