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  • a skeleton that supports it. XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special edition is the standard as far as I know
  • a bodyslide that supports it. For the CBBE type, that's typically the physics or special variants, and with the introduction of 3BBB (a new CBBE variant with more bounce zones), the amazing, fantasy, special or physics variants. For UNP, BHUNP is a good choice. same sort of thing. physics, special, etc.
  • In all those cases, afaik the stock "CBBE body", 3BBB body, or stock UNP body types don't have bounce, but I could be wrong.
  • The HDT engine/framework
  • Sinful CBP or similar
  • FNIS? not sure but most of us have that installed as well and I presume it would be installed..again not sure if it is *required* for bounce.
  • Bodyslide and Outfit studio.


When building the body within Bodyslide and Outfit studio, make sure Build Morphs is checked.


If fitting a bounce enabled piece of clothing or armor and desiring bounce in the clothing/armor, same goes, and make sure to use at least a modified CBBE/3BBB/BHUNP physics body to fit (usually a tweaked version of the "nude" body for females that adjusts breast like breasts are in the real world...often pushed up a little and squashed flatter a bit as if restricted...although not always. beauty and the eye of the beholder and all that). Anyway, make sure to check the morphs checkbox when fitting clothing/armor.


Off hand, I don't know of any other special considerations. For someone just getting into that aspect, and *personally speaking*, I'd avoid futzing with SMP for the body, unless you have plenty of time on your hands for shaking it out, and an exceptionally fast, robust PC for driving it. SMP is computationally intensive. SMP clothing though seems to work ok in most cases without much issue (sometimes one might have to remove the clothing or wig item and re-add it if it misbehaves)


as always, (it seems) edited for multiple typos

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One thing I'd add. If you modify a given preset to make it unique, make sure to save the preset as a new preset name, so you can refer to it later on. Same for any clothed" variant body.


When saving, you'll notice that there are a bunch of checkboxes that Bodyslide and Outfit studio expects you to review and check (or not). Each item on that list represents items that can be fitted or modified, It's tedious but necessary to go through the whole list and make sure that the clothing/etc you want to be able to fit or or modify is checked. The checked items will appear in the Body/Outfit dropdown when that Preset is chosen. The unchecked items will not appear when the preset is selected.

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