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Custom Soldier Ability Trees


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Would it be possible to create a mod that would let you choose any ability? for example the Assault class.



Squaddie –– Run & Gun

Corporal –– Tactical Sense................. Aggression.............. Bullet Swarm..... Holo-Targeting. Sprinter.................. Covering Fire... Squadsight.

Sergeant –– Lightning Reflexes.......... Close and Personal.. Suppression...... Filed Medic........ Smoke and Mirrors. Gunslinger....... Damn Good Ground.

Lieutenant – Flush, Rapid Fire............ HEAT Ammo............ Rapid Reaction.. Revive............... Suppression............ Disabling Shot. Battle Scanner.

Captain ––– Close Combat Specialist.. Bring 'Em On........... Grenadier.......... Danger Zone...... Dense Smoke......... Combat Drugs.. Executioner.............. Opportunist.

Major ––––– Extra Conditioning.......... Will to Survive.......... Deep Pockets.... Low Profile.

Colonel ––– Resilience........................ Killer Instinct........... Mayhem............ Savior................ Sentinel.................. In the Zone...... Double Tap


Things I didn't add to Assault tree, Shredder Rocket or Rocketeer since Assaults can't use rockets, Snap Shot since it only applies to snipers.


Something like this would really make classes more customizable

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are the trees fixed, 1 to a class? I'm wondering if we could make multiple trees available to a class, and when the game creates a new soldier (i.e. you hire one and he/she arrives at your base) it'll pick one of those trees. Would introduce a bit more variety rather than the current "everybody is the same" feeling.


This would be an alternative option if we couldn't create custom trees with multiple perks to choose from when ranking up like the OP posted.

Edited by Trucidation
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