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How do you install mods?


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My Fallout 3 was the same the FPS dropped very hard in the Main Menu and inGame it was lagging like Hell...

Then i turned the graficobtions a bit lower now it runs fine :-P

My FOMM don´t run fine xD It says that it coldn´t find the Fallout 3 directory x.x

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:blink: Man,that's extremely low,there are a lot of people having the same problem.One guy said he cured his by running in windowed mode.Pretty ironic that the patch is what was causing the problem.I didn't install it for it didn't list many fixes.Also read that some are having problems with corrupted saves.Same as Oblivion.I disabled all auto saves and i'm not using quick save either.Here's a site i found for tweaking fallout perhaps you might find something there that will help.



EDIT:I just read that turning off HDR solved the fps problem for some.




This is all news to me. I wonder what I'm doing wrong. I've played the game since release, installed the game

patch on release, Ivve got a shitload of mods installed and a triple scoop of textures installed. I've never had any issues like

this and I've been on both the official forums a lot and here though not here so much. I've not seen many posts with

all these issues.

I suspect it is more operator error than anything. Not the game. Not Beth 'gooking' it up with the patch.

Oh, I've got too many save games to shake a fist at. Not one has corrupted. Knock on wood. I use autosave too. I'm a farking

insane rebel .




In my experience most PC issues are due to a direct short to ground between the keyboard and chair. I know, I've been there myself countless times.


Then again, I could be full of bunk.

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:blink: Man,that's extremely low,there are a lot of people having the same problem.One guy said he cured his by running in windowed mode.Pretty ironic that the patch is what was causing the problem.I didn't install it for it didn't list many fixes.Also read that some are having problems with corrupted saves.Same as Oblivion.I disabled all auto saves and i'm not using quick save either.Here's a site i found for tweaking fallout perhaps you might find something there that will help.



EDIT:I just read that turning off HDR solved the fps problem for some.




This is all news to me. I wonder what I'm doing wrong. I've played the game since release, installed the game

patch on release, Ivve got a shitload of mods installed and a triple scoop of textures installed. I've never had any issues like

this and I've been on both the official forums a lot and here though not here so much. I've not seen many posts with

all these issues.

I suspect it is more operator error than anything. Not the game. Not Beth 'gooking' it up with the patch.

Oh, I've got too many save games to shake a fist at. Not one has corrupted. Knock on wood. I use autosave too. I'm a farking

insane rebel .





In my experience most PC issues are due to a direct short to ground between the keyboard and chair. I know, I've been there myself countless times.


Then again, I could be full of bunk.

I'm not having a problem with my game or mods but some are.I turned off auto save to avoid problems not because i was having problems.In Oblivion corrupted saves was a known issue due to auto save.So far the only problem i've had are a few freeze ups.Vista has a problem with making changes in the program files directory.Systems are all different and it's not always the user to blame for these issues.People new to installing mods make mistakes,no big deal,it's how they learn.


Simple search results below.

Bethesda doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to releasing bug-free games. Game-breaking accounts spanning throughout the Elder Scrolls series have been regaled by gamers like horror stories around a camp fire, and Fallout 3, alas, so far doesn't seem to be much different. But the good news is Bethesda has now announced that they're working on a patch for the game that'll (hopefully) fix all the problems gamers have complained about.


"We are currently working on a patch for all three platforms. When I've got more details, I'll let everyone know," wrote a community manager on the official Fallout 3 forums (via CVG). As you can see, this person wasn't any more forthcoming with details, so we have no idea when the patch is planned for release.


Complaints about Fallout 3 have centered around graphical glitches as well as game-freezing bugs, which seems to be the biggest problem. Hopefully the patch will be able to fix them all soon enough.


A Bethesda community manager recently revealed that the company is actively working on a patch for all three versions of Fallout 3. His statement, framed as a response on Bethesda’s official message board, was quite vague.


He told users, “We [bethesda] are currently working on a patch for all three platforms. When I’ve got more details, I’ll let everyone know.” That means all of you sitting on a pile of pre-war books and Nuka-Colas that won’t count for mission goals are going to have to wait a bit longer. The same goes for all of you PlayStation 3 owners who may not enjoy some of the problems that you’re having specific to your platform.


If you’re not having any problems thus far, rejoice, but know that this patch won’t be able to solve a problem that our very own Conrad has with the game. After 100 hours of play, he points out that the ending could use a bit of fixing.



I just finished going through the National Guard Depot,

got the bobblehead and most of the weapons and stuff from the armory.

I went back to Megaton to offload some of the weapons (I keep lots of weapons and armor in there for repairs) and the game froze when I tried to open the door and go in. I have reset the game a couple of times now and each time I sold a bunch of stuff and changed armor/weapons to see if it was just a glitch but it keeps freezing. I CAN'T GET INTO MY HOUSE! This is a huge problem, everything I have is in the house. If I can't get back into my house I'm done playing this game. Has anybody had this problem??? PLEASE HELP. +rep for a fix

I consider myself lucky that i'm not experiencing the problems some are.

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Hey, I'm new here but isn't there a " run in xp mode" for vista? I've played all the beth games and am a true fan but Fallout still freezes when ever I change mods and try to run a save game. but after placing them back in order lets it play. Hope this helps.
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