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Question on material swaps


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you would not set the Greyscale as a material swap, as it's the "base" material for the power armor, you just tell it (via the colorremapping index) what "shade" to be.


to make a material swap into something different you'd look at the following OMOD and material swap as reference for comparison.

PA_T45_Material_Minuteman "Minuteman Paint" [OMOD:0023AB90]

mat_PA_T45_Minutemen [MSWP:0020E89E]

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I think I should explain what I am doing in my mod. I have created an OMOD that when applied to PA, it creates a different list of other modifications you can use. When applied, it removes the armor tier option and replaces it with other modification options. I have not altered the textures at all. Problem is, there are different tiers of the OMOD, and when you go to a higher tier, it goes to the greyscale texture. I only want the greyscale texture to appear with the vanilla armor tiers, not my OMOD, which should not change the look of the armor at all. To confuse things further, tier I of my mod reverts it back to vanilla, so in order to combat the greyscale appearing with the higher tiers, I set color remapping in tier I to 0.66, which is the same as for the vanilla rust look; when doing so, and when applying my tier I OMOD, the vanilla armor rating options reappear but now DO NOT display greyscale at any tier, but instead just the rusty texture is rendered.


I mimicked the vanilla entries as best I could but still have this problem. I hope I explained clearly enough. Any idea what I am overlooking?


edit: maybe something that could help my understand more easily is, if I look at the vanilla OMOD that produces Model B, what is it in this record that tells the game to override or ignore the color remapping index set in Model A?

Edited by amokrun1
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With respect I think you're over-complicating things to a massive degree.

If it's going to apply in the "Tier" section to replace the current A - F then just make sure the ColorIndex on the "A" Tier isn't present and you're golden

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That's one of the first things I tried when I found out about the color index entry, works fine until you up it to B, then going back to A renders the greyscale texture! I missed something somewhere I guess. When I have time this weekend, I'll have to have another whack at it. Anyway, thanks for your time, Thirdstorm! Looking forward to more mods in the near future hopefully!!

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