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Custom Actor sounds wont play in Skyrim


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I am trying to add custom sounds to a boss in my quest mod. I have created audio descriptor files in .wav format I have craeted a new audio template for my actor. The sound plays fine in the Creation Kit but when I load Skyrim up the boss still has no sounds. Any Suggestions? Edited by morrowind1979
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OK so I was interpreting the creation kit fields wrong. I thought I could add a sound file for every time my actor was hit using the hit field in sounds but apparently this only plays when my actor will hit the player with a weapon. So my next question would be how do I make a sound play when my actor is hit by the player?
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OK so I was interpreting the creation kit fields wrong. I thought I could add a sound file for every time my actor was hit using the hit field in sounds but apparently this only plays when my actor will hit the player with a weapon. So my next question would be how do I make a sound play when my actor is hit by the player?



Found a way around the sound problem using scripts I have added a script to my boss so when he dies dagoth deathsound is played. Now my last problem is trying to use the OnEventHit command to create a script which will play the sound dagothLaugh every 30 times the player hits the boss. Does anyone know how I would write this script???

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