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Grelka Gets Hers.... ;)


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Hi everyone. After playing Skyrim on and off for a year now, I'm beyond tired of Grelka's bad attittude and want to make her pay for being such a b---h. (lol) I've killed her before but there's not much satisfaction in it---sure she's gone, but she never had to change or acknowledge her bad attitutude. I would love to see a mod with some extra dialogue that would really let the player put her in her place, and maybe even take her somewhere to be tortured or imprisoned. Maybe the player could somehow send a message by courier to the Dark Brotherhood (or any in-game baddie) that this chick really needed to be taught a lesson and then she'd be taken away and dealt with properly. :) After some jail time, or torture, or whatever, she could either then be killed if the player wanted that, OR, she could come back to her stall in Riften but only with new dialogues and a new attitude. With the knowledge that if she acted like that again, the next time she was carted away things would be much worse for her!


Okay, I'm evil, I admit it. But I want to smack her and since I can't, this might be the next best thing. lol


Thanks you guys,


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Oh that is too much! I love it! LOL I'm going to download it right now----I can't wait to brawl with that you-know-what. (not to mention that snotty little girl in Whiterun!)





No problem! Just be sure to talk to whoever you beat down after the fight - it won't end unless you select the "I hope you've learned your lesson." dialogue option.

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I feel like a sociopath now for setting most people who annoy me to nonessential then taking them out. I swear I seldom do this in real life! :whistling:


Seriously though, it's a good thing I have many NPC mods otherwise Skyrim would be a barren place.


I once went to the throat of the world and spawned 50 Ulfrics and 50 Nazeems just so I could blow them all off of the mountain top. IT WAS GLORIOUS.

...I should probably shut up now.


Surprisingly, Grelka is still alive in my Skyrim.

Edited by acidzebra
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Thanks Janus. I am SO ready for this! btw----I've also downloaded your Atris mod and couldn't resist starting it as well. I'm really impressed already with the depth of it and all of the dialogue! Can't wait to really get into it and see what happens!


AcidZebra----LOL! Oh don't feel bad, I think it's awesome that you did that with all of the Ulfrics and Nazeems! Wonderful. I'll have to figure out how to spawn extra people like that so I can blow them away myself now. ;)



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Open a console, type


player.placeatme 00013BBF 10

and you get 10 nazeems.


Ulfric is a little trickier as there are different versions, unkillable ones and killable ones.


Open the console again, type


help ulfric

and look for the lines with _NPC, they will have a code, just like "help nazeem" will get you the code 00013BBF which I used above. Then spawn some ulfrics, and see which ones die.


Save beforehand! This is just therapy, not part of your actual game :)

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