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I didn't reall yno were else to put this and didn't see another location for bug reports, (although there most definatly could be one and I'm just foolish)


Anyway... I'm difficulty uploading images, links, tags, those kinds of things.


Now i'm not very computer savy, and i'm living in Austria right now operating on a windows XP with the german language, so my ability to understand most of the Technical words thrown at me is very little.

in shot i have no clue whats wrong or what i#m doing.


Anyway. when i try to insert an image or whatever, a notice comes up that it is blocked by a pop-up / spam filter, when i either bypass that or deactivate set filter, a URL script window opens asking for the URL of the image,


Now i don#t know what URL is, but i do know that it is not a German acronym.


Maybe i'm missing something, maybe there's a virus or maybe zombies are to blame,

But what do you think?



Awaiting your reply,

-Philosopher101, humble novice of the forums.

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The URL is the address of the website (eg, the address for this thread is http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...mp;#entry643204.

Now, when you say you're having difficulty uploading images, links and tags, do you mean to these forums? As in your signature?

To do that you just need to have the image on the internet already (I use ImageShack for my signature). For a link you click on the 'Insert Link' button (looks like an arrow with a plus sign). As for tags. I'm not really too sure what tags are.

Hope this has been helpfull.

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Ok that URL part is where you threw me before.......that's where you want to hit CTRL-V to insert the image, after that just follow my directions as normal.


- Raz



If you still have my PM you can copy the sig's location with that,.....if not send me a PM and I'll send you a new one with the sig in it + directions.

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