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Making things Tranparent


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Well, I am dealing with a TON of ice in my mod. So to say that I would never need any of it to be transparent would be to LIE TO GOD HIMSELF. Regardless, I am unsure how to do this. I am fairly sure that it has something to do with a texture and an alpha channel. If someone could also tell me how to make/what exactl is an alpha channel... that would be very helpful.


Also, there is one particular instance where the ice needs to be reflective. How might I go about that too? I have a million ice textures too if anyone has any need for them...:biggrin: I know i do! If anyone can refer me to some good ice textures (which i would have course either reference or alter) that would be most helpful as well. Right now i think i have around 20, but there needs to be a variety, so the more the merrier!



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Hello armageddon818,


I would import the following nif into blender, and study how it's designed.... this is the same method I used when I learned how to make clear glass for my table settings mod, only I used the crystal ball to study. I never read a tutorial on glass... I'm sure you can figure it out from this nif... it is the games default version of see through ice. Here is it's path location:




I definately know this one is transparent ice.


I am interested in the ability to make a surface truely reflective also, which would lead to possibly making working mirrors.

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I don't mean to hyjack this thread, but DavidWhitefang,

if you do figure out how to make mirrors, please let us

all know. Or, at least let us know where you have them

available when you do. I, for one, have been wanting that

for a long time.


Oh! And another question. Has anyone figured out how to

make truly see-through windows yet? I think someone

said the windows in various mods were actually a script to

show what was outside the window at the proper time, but

not actually transparent. (I could be wrong since I'm not a

modder, and I apologize ahead if I am.)



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To asnwer your related question, believe that if you created a TRANPARENT plane and stuck it into a window frame you would have a transparent window would you not? If you mean a working window in an interior cell, then i dont think so. Something interesting that you could do would be to take a screenshot from where the window is and put that as the texture for the window. But with too many windows and everything + the fact that there is night AND day, i really dont think you can make a TRUE window. :biggrin:
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I do apologize for the hijack, Armageddon, but I was just so excited to see these ideas - including yours for transparent ice - that I had to ask.


I have discussed both ideas (transparent and reflecting) on other forums, but no one had any idea how to make them work. Now, I see modders discussing them with a plan to actually DO so . . . well, I let my excitement get away with me.


These feats seem to be interelated somewhat, or at least perhaps the method of making them may well be similar enough that once you accomplish this, I think many of us would be eager to know how to do it as well.



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Hahahaha, its no big deal. :bigrin: I just hope that i can achieve the effect that i want somehow! Ugh... I wish some more people would join the team! I have a lot of things, almost all the stpryline done. The architectural scheme, done. The intended shape and height of the island, done. In truth i am a lot better organized than some other projects, it just never seems like i can get a break!
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I saw that earlier, and did not know why myself... then I pm'd Nowena with answers to her questions to avoid hijacking. I don't think you did anything wrong, and I do hope others will give thier input to your original question in this post. ~ I just didn't know of a specific tutorial on it, but I wanted to share what I thought would work for you.
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