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Two Mod Requests


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First Request/Suggestion: Hire the Dark Brotherhood . . . the player can actually hire the dark brotherhood (by performing the sacrament or through a middle man, whichever is easier) and the player can pick NPC's to have killed, for a price. The price depends on the NPC and sometimes, no matter how hard they try, the Dark Brotherhood can not succeed in killing that NPC (Ulfric, or other Essential characters to the game).


Second Request/Suggestion: Better Loot, but in this case, schematics for armor & weapons that can be used once to increase an armor piece by 1, 2, 3 points, whichever the creator feels is not overpowered. They would be found as any loot is, with the idea that (for characters who don't add perks to smithing) is that each schematic shows enough to improve armor a little at a time. No going past legendary or past if you want, since I can't make it, if someone does, their choice. The frequency they are found, where, etc, up to the modder. If more technical/immersive measures are needed, then schematics can be armor piece and type specific, though whatever is easiest is best.


Thanks to any who read & consider.

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