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Porting Fallout 4 guns to Fallout New Vegas


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Recently ive wanted to get back into playing new vegas again after modding and playing fallout 4 for a while and i noticed theres a few mods that port fallout 4 gun mods to new vegas and i wanted to know how to do this bc theres a couple of guns i want to port over for personal use like the albert-01r.

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Not speaking officially for Nexus, but as friendly advice: You cannot port any "assets" legally from any other game (including any others of the Fallout series) that are not already present in FNV (typically buried in the BSA files). See the official response in the thread 'Fallout 4 music' which is a similar "port asset" request.

"Copyright infringement" (to include "unlawful distribution") has repeatedly been announced to be prohibited and an offense that will get you "banned" from the site. "Trademarks" (i.e. "brand names") are different and not a problem: ref I want a can of Spaghetti-Os that I can eat.

That said, however, you CAN attempt to "recreate" an item from another game using FNV or your own "made from scratch" art assets.

Please see the sections "Custom Items", "Conversions", and "Weapons" of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article.



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Not speaking officially for Nexus, but as friendly advice: You cannot port any "assets" legally from any other game (including any others of the Fallout series) that are not already present in FNV (typically buried in the BSA files). See the official response in the thread 'Fallout 4 music' which is a similar "port asset" request.


"Copyright infringement" (to include "unlawful distribution") has repeatedly been announced to be prohibited and an offense that will get you "banned" from the site. "Trademarks" (i.e. "brand names") are different and not a problem: ref I want a can of Spaghetti-Os that I can eat.


That said, however, you CAN attempt to "recreate" an item from another game using FNV or your own "made from scratch" art assets.


Please see the sections "Custom Items", "Conversions", and "Weapons" of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article.



im not looking to port any of the vanilla fallout 4 guns which is why i said "gun mods" as in mods that add non vanilla guns and dont use vanilla assets


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