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Could be on the verge of some thing special with Face anims


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The one thing has has always bugged me about modding skyrim is the way the face Animation setup works and i understand that they used to use a better method in the past Games but decided this time to use a propitiatory method. Lets be honest the face animations in skyrim are REALLY awful and the closed system they have chosen is all but Impossible to mod to 99.9% of skyrim modders hence why we have not see any new HD head types or better face animation mods.

I have battled with this problem for months trying to use all the tools like comfurmulator ,blender tri import scrips even conforming the vanilla heads in Max to the custom heads i want animated so they take on there likeness ,ALL in vain! as i have never been happy with the results.


So in a last ditch attempt i am no longer going to try to work with tri face morphs anymore , but i am going to try to bypass them like they dont even exist anymore. and maybe at the same time come up with somthing that all modders can use as a modders resourse to create a new face animation workaround.


Here is what i have managed to do bu t i need advice to finish .

Ive been working with a lot of witcher resources in my mods as the AWESOME! Cd projeckt allows us to, one of which is the heads of witcher characters, and i want them animated not just a stone faces.

So i have been experimenting an managed to invent a skyrim witcher 2 Hybrid skeleton. which @ its core is basically a skyrim skeleton with all the wonderful facial Rigging bones of the witcher 2 skeleton.

Only problem is they are dummys NOT bones and im not sure how to proceed as i dont know if skyrim or nilfskope can use them and i dont know how to convert them to bones either.

Its all working very well with the skyrim skeleton animating perfectly in max and triss face still rigged to them dummy bones as i have the face skin data intact to.

But my question is, if i can even get this in game can face animations made via this rig actually be used in skyrim once set up in the ck???







Edited by AlphaWoIF
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