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Hearthfire Mod


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Hello everyone, I have been looking for a mod that allows you to hire guards for player homes, and be able to customize their gear, place them in sentry locations, and maybe even make patrols around the house/property, set guard schedules for guard changes things like that. Would also be nice to get rid of the Hearthfire house add on restrictions i.e east wing armory, west wing bedrooms, north wing trophy room and be able to put any one of the add ons in any of the wings. As well as add other buildings to the property not just the house and stable, and be able to build walls and guard towers around the property. I think that would pretty much complete the Heathfire experience. Just a few things Id like to see, whether in 1 mod or multiple, id make it myself but I cant seem to grasp/comprehend the CK at all. Thanks
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I can't help you with the add-ons and modifications to the houses themselves, but as for the guards and fortifications, I'm currently using Tundra Defense for that. Just build your fort around your house.


Tundra Defense


and Lakeview Flats for Tundra Defense if you're like me and really loves Lakeview Manor.

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