GraysonTheWolf Posted November 15, 2012 Share Posted November 15, 2012 So I'm currently thinking about finally doing a mod finally, and I want to start off with a mod that the community hasn't reallyattempted yet... Unique animations for weapon types and player types so they feel less like their sword/axe/hammer swinginghas "weight" in which the player can't just run around and hack everything with ease! I was looking at a lot of cool weapons that look amazing, but don't have animations that match their "fearsome weight" look.Like, swinging around a Zanbato sword, keyblade, or over-sized great axe isn't as easy as the gameplay makes it appear! Here's the closest example of what I'm seeking as far as animation style:(mostly aiming for the great-sword animations to apply to the axes and hammersfor the player to use!) Another alternative or add on would be for when the giant does the power attack andsends NPCs or players flying high, The sound and dust explosion shader would beawesome to add to player power attack animations! Sure, I'd be willing to rebalance the damage ratio to counter the slow-speed changes I make to the combat system.But I'd like some guidance and help with this, please. I'm not a complete n00b at modding though as I have halffwayyycreated mods before getting bored with them and never finishing them (when I played Oblivion). This would be my first attemptat skyrim modding, and it would be amazing if this mod would be completed and may lead to more mod ideas that I've beendreaming up in the past few months/year! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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