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Menu Size Limit and Organising them


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Menu Size Limit

I wrote this in a subforum, of the Script Merger Mod, in response to a question about missing menus in the game, but it's a subject with little discussion, as it isn't specific to any mod, and only becomes an issue when you have more than 10 mod menu files.

In Game Menus, can be found here
<Path To Your Game>\Bin\Config\R4Game\User_Config_Matrix\PC
It has 8 Vanilla Files;



Under any specific menu heading there is a soft limit of 9 Named Mods, and a hard limit of 10, with the 10th using the name "Back".
Any more than !0, will result in Mod Menus not appearing, and as most mods with menus are disabled, these will not work, except if you'd previously set them before adding more than 10 menus, and you will not be able to change them once gone.
Using my current menu folder, I have 24 files, so 16 are mods



Using Friendly HUD as an example, open the "modFHUDConfig.xml" file, using Notepad++ (Or alternate good text editor, e.g. Not Windows Notepad)
We see it starts like this, and every other menu file has a similar setup;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>

    <Group id="fhudHUD" displayName="Mods.friendly_hud.fhud_hud">

For every line that starts with;
<Group id=
We need to look at the Display name, and it starts with the word "Mods", which defines the mods folder.
We want to create a Mods folder, and by looking at what names the Vanilla Files use, and not everything will show up, for example I can't get GUI, or HUD to even appear as a menu, so some experimentation may be required to get names that work.


Important fact to note:
It turns out that simply searching the files for the word "Mods", seems to only find the required entries, and as some of these mod files have multiple "<Group id=" sections, each one needs changing.

Just use replace under the Notepad++ search menu.

Put "Mods" in the Find box. (Not the quotes, I'll say if quotes are required).

Put "Mods.Gameplay", or another section heading, in the Replace box, and click on Replace All

These are what I've used to replace "Mods", Which provide 3 subsection headings (leaving 6 more to expand if required), and gets all of the mod menus in game, under headings that make logical sense.



In game these Show as new Sections inside the Mods Section, they are;

User Interface

Note: Visuals, appears in Game as "Display", I use this for my Camera, LOD, and Animation mods. I know "Combat" works as a heading, but haven't needed to split those out of my Gameplay section yet.

Also I'm almost certain I know how the Order is determined, for both the Section Headings, and the Mods within those headings, it's purely on the Alphabetical order of the file names.


So in my list

The first file is "AHDAutoLootConfig.xml", which establishes the first entry, "Gameplay" is set as first section, and "Auto Loot" is the first mod under that section.

The second file is "AltHorseControls.xml", which establishes the second entry, "Gameplay" is already established as first section, and "Alternate Horse Controls" is the second mod under that section.

The third file is "AHDAutoLootConfig.xml", which establishes the third entry, "Display" is set as second section, and "Complete Animations" is the first mod under that section.


The pattern continues, as far as I can tell, which apparently gives users the ability to establish a logical Order Control.

This is new (to me), and comes as a result of explaining how it works in this post, and checking my facts first. I'm sure others have worked this out, but I've seen nothing posted on the subject.


Much like mod folder names, it appears the Menu names, are never referenced by the game, or by scripts. It's the Contents of the files that the game uses, and the name seems to have no relevance.

I'm renaming Mods to be Logical, and order both Sections, and mods Alphabetically, as named in the games Menus.




ModsGameplayThoughtful Roach.xml


Note: GrindstoneAndWorkbenchCharges, actually appears as GSaWBC in game, but that's the poor naming choice the Mod Author used.

I haven't figured out how I can change an existing Displayed name, it disappears if I use Grindstone_And_Workbench_Charges. The menu still appears, but as a blank unnamed button. It can be figured out, with time, but that's not the main point of this post.


Now with those names, I have everything under the Mods Folder organised Alphabetically, in game.

It needs further testing to be 100% certain there's absolutely nothing broken, but as far as I can tell, I'm 99.9% sure the GUI Menu names are irrelevant to how the mods settings work, you apply values to variables defined by the content of these files, not the names.

To be clear I could have simply named these mod files 01 to 16, or A to P, to enforce the same in game order, but by using the in Game Menu Names, I can see at a glance, how many mods each submenu contains, and make sure I don't go over the 9 entries limit.


That's how to organise you in game menus, so it makes some logical sense, and is easier to use, if you add even more of them. There's A lot more slots available, and if you ever fill all 81 of them, you can always add another menu layer, which would give you space for 729 Mods in total.

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