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Cant change language back to English.


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Hey guys i am having a weird problem. Right now my Skyrim is in two languages English and German. The Dialogue and Text are a mixture of the two sometimes the NPC speaks english sometimes he speaks German. In the text dialoge sometimes 3 options are in German and one in English its really confusing and i have noooo idea what might have caused this.


I wanted to try to fix it by reverting back to the English version because selecting the German version still has this problem. The thing is if i select english it only downloads like 900kb instead of the actual language files and the game menu is still in German. Also when i enable the English version none of the audio dialogues get played. I dont want to reinstall because i have 60 mods installed that i dont want to reinstall.


This didnt change anything https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4505?tab=description


Does anybody have any ideas on how this could happen and how to fix it?


Edited by AXEofWhiterun
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What you can try:


1. Uninstall any language packs you might have installed "manually" (i.e. not with Steam).


2. Make sure that in your Steam library, language is set to English.


3. To be safe, backup your skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini files (found in your system drive/your user name/documents/games/Skyrim Special Edition.


4. Use "verify game cache" ("lokale Dateien untersuchen" or something like that in the German Steam client). This will compare your installed game files with the current ones from Bethesda and redownload everything, that's different from the current version of the game files. This is NOT a reinstall - just updating your files. Verifying the game may install new .ini files - hence the backup you made before. If the .ini files were changed, restore your old ones.


EDIT: Just to be clear: Changing the language of the base game doesn't change the language of mods you use. If you use mods in German, everything affected by these mods will still be in German. Same goes for e.g. crafted or enchanted items you may have named in German. If you want your game to be completely in English, you need to use only English mods and also name your enchanted weapons/armor in English.

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Well so this is weird. I started verifying the game cache, realised i should set it to english first. When i set it to english i downloaded 75 mb instead of the usual 900kb and when when i let the verification finish this time it said it was all good and doesnt need to download anything. But somehow it still worked and everything is in English now! Thanks for the help again :) I was hesitant to verify my game cache before because i thought it might think some mod did something wrong redownload something and f*#@ something up. But you gave me the courage to try and it worked so thank you for that! You are the real MVP on here :D

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