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trouble with NPC's


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I'm creating a simple mod that duplicates some of the in-game characters so you can have them as followers. I don't have any follower specific code in the mod (I use UFO for that).


What I do is create a copy of the npc in the CK, then go in and strip them of any factions, relationships, keywords, AI Packages, essential tags etc that the game might have assigned to the original NPC, so they (should) end up just being a vanilla copy of the npc.


The problem is that some NPC's can't be recruited, afterward, most can though.


my "recruitment method" currently consists of targetting the NPC in the console then issuing the commands:

addfac 5a1a4 1

addfac 5c84d 1

setrelationshiprank player 4


After that you should get the conversation option to get them to become your follower ("Follow me, I need your help" in UFO).


I've attached a small test version of the mod with just 4 duplicated NPC's in it. Of these 4 you can recruit 2 - Jon Battle-Born and Ralof, but you can't recruit the other two - Lucian Valerius and Captain Aldis.


The duplicated NPC's hang out inside Riverwoods Sleeping Giant Inn.


The larger version of the mod won't let me recruit the following duplicated NPC's:

Lucian Valerius, Ulfric Stormcloak, Captain Aldis, Bolgeir Bearclaw, Hrongar, Hadvar.


It will allow me to recruit these duplicated NPC's though:

Calder, Erik The Slayer, Roggi Knot-Beard, Ralof, Sven, Frofnir Trollsbane, Golldir, Dirge, Orgnar, Roggvir, Sigurd, Torvar, Stenvar, Falk Firebeard, Farkas, Idolaf Battle-Born.


Where am I going wrong? How do I make the non-recruitable NPC's recruitable?



Edited by gstanford
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At least some of the duplicated NPCs you've named - and possibly all of them, I don't have the CK open at the moment - have unique voicetypes. Not all the voices used by NPCs have follower dialogue recorded, and since there is a voicetype condition on follower dialogue, you won't get the "Follow me, I need your help." option for certain NPCs.
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That's right. Ulfrik definitely has a unique voicetype, and I'm pretty sure that Hadvar does as well. The others that you're having trouble with are likely having similar issues. I'd take a look at the vanilla followers, if I were you, and use voicetypes that they use.
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This sort of thing is so ridiculously annoying. It's a shame bethesda didn't have the follower dialog as a bolt-on for normal dialog for npc's (the npc's voice would be a bit different in follower mode, but I could live with that).


Of course even better would be synthesized speech for NPC's. Been waiting since 1985 and the Amiga launch for that one and can't believe we STILL don't have it even today! Would save the Studio's serious money on voice actor talent, especially for minor NPC's.

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