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Request for a mercenary bow


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So I'm using the berserk armor ingame and with it, I use one of Jaysus swords and the Imperial bow. I renamed them all to Mercenary xxx to play as some kind of mercenary (wich you pretty much are doing)


Now is my problem that I use a vanilla imperial bow and I really like to have a bow that fits a mercenary! It must be a simple wooden bow, not that fancy sh*t like daedric, ebony and glass bows have..


I do use vanilla arrows, but I use steel arrows that go into an iron arrows quiver..


If someone can link me to a mod were those kind of bows already exist, thank you :)

Edited by Proximitus
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Search with "Bow" at nexus, and most endorsed.

There's couple of nice ones:




Nice to see I am not the only one who makes simple mods which edit some stuff from other modders into one .esp :D

I always do that.


Lately I've been doing some edits on bigger mods, only bad thing is that at some point the author decides to upload a patch = you need to remake all the stuff.

Anyway, Those bows are pretty nice and "simple".

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A little bump, because I'm wondering if there are people who know other good bow mods? It must be a wooden bow, with a handmade look. Thick and strong enough, just like the Imperial Bow.


Foudn some mods myself, the Andragorn's armoury, the Dovahkiin Mercenary stuff (But the bow string isn't right, as seen in the pics) and the Vampire hunter gear (although I can't see a picture of a bow in that last one)


I think they are nice, but since I don't have the game, I can't get a good view on them!

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