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Crashes During Random Actions (Random kills and during "Hired Muscle" quest completion, may be specific scripts related?).


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Hello Everyone!

So, I started a new playthrough on Skyrim Special Edition using a new, admittedly overwhelming set of mods mostly based on "Legacy of The Dragonborn" and it all went well before I started encountering some strange yet somewhat consistent CTD's caused by certain actions, most of said actions being related to killing certain random enemies which boots me off to the desktop without any warnings or errors the second their health went to '0' and their bodies went to their ragdoll state.
A while after I tried fixing that issue to no avail, I managed to avoid those crashes somehow before I started the Companions questline and finished the first "Hired Muscle" before the game started crashing again as soon as the quest finished (I've done it around 3 or 4 times and it crashed at the exact same moment).

I've been trying to use my limited knowledge and google to find any fixes for it but I've currently failed to find a solution for it so here I am.

Here is my Load Order: https://pastebin.com/fztWvv4W

And here's the Crash Log that I've generated using the NetScriptNetwork tool: https://pastebin.com/n0Z4V3Yg

Solutions I've tried:

Verified Game Cache via Steam.

Sorting the Load Order using LOOT.

Updating as many mods as possible which may have gotten outdated due to those Creation Club 'updates'.

Cleaning the save files.

I would appreciate any form of help/advice you may be able to give me regarding this. ^^

Edited by CaniaX
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