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CTD whenever loading any save


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So, I was able to play the game just fine last night, And decided to sign off. I added a couple mods that I had found earlier in the day (Timing is Everything, Better Dialogue Controls, Atlas Map Markers. These mods have since been removed), and then updated multiple mods by installing the new files through Vortex and then replacing the old files. I went to sleep, and when I tried the game in the morning, the game would always crash when loading my save, with the exception of one time, where I got in, tried to fast travel and then CTD'd again.

I assume I may have something fishy in my load order, or must have screwed something up otherwise.

I am also unable to create a a new game, as I just CTD after the loading screen.

I have tried removing the newly added mods, and reinstalling some of the updated ones (LOTD, Embers HD, Wintersun, Growl, RW2, SSE Engine Fixes). New Bashed Patches, LOOT sorts, Fallrim Tools cleaning. I have tried everything I know how to. Coming here is my last resort.

I am using ENB, A Cathedralist's ENB to be exact.

Latest papyrus.0.log file in case it's needed: https://pastebin.com/4Gu1Dchd

Thanks for any help you're willing to give, and if there is anything else I need to provide, simply ask.

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This is probably a script issue. Unfortunately, papyrus logs aren't often useful for debugging crashes... as the events that triggered the crash typically don't get written to the log in the case of a crash.


You might try installing .NetScriptFramework. It does (usually) produce crash logs, especially when scripts are to blame. Sometimes those logs have a clue as to the script responsible.


You could also try cleaning defunct scripts from your saves using Resaver. It requires Java. Obviously saves older than the recent mod changes won't have scripts from the new changes... but any defunct scripts in the save could contribute to the problem.

Edited by JadedDragoon
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It is very unwise to add or remove mods mid game, the result is often what you have experienced. The mods get baked into the save and cannot be removed even with save cleaners.


You will have to go back to a save before you installed those mods if you want to try to save that game.


I would settle on what mods you want to use in your game, validate your master files, and start a completely new game. This time do not add or remove mods mid game unless the mod author says it is all right on his mod description page. While there certainly mods that you can install and uninstall mid game it is a bad idea to do so unless you are absolutely sure of what you are doing.

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