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Shoddy Floor Fixer


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Why is it they can build great inns and halls but not put down a decent floor? Too much mead by the end of the day? Not to mention it looks like you could break down through to the basement at any given moment. And think of the heat they could save with decent flooring. Maybe they wouldn't have to keep blazing bonfires burning inside all day.

Anyway, I thought it would be really cool if there was a mod to fix some of the floors in Skyrim.

I have no clue about modding so ....er.... I posted it here.

Image was taken at Bannered Mare in Whiterun.

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I haven't studied the floors extensively but from what little I have paid attention to them I think they're just textures...I'll look closer next time I play. If thats the case I'm sure someone can replace the textures for you. Edited by Jennifur68
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Nah, they're floor tiles/meshes. Still really easy to replace though - maybe even easier than doing a texture replacement - open location in CK, select all the "floor*mid" pieces, CTRL-F, select something you like better, like RifRmBgKeepFloorWood02. Just... an awful lot of work to do it in every building in skyrim for what seems to me like a minor issue.


I have no clue about modding so ....er.... I posted it here.


As good a time to start with modding as any :)


Quick replace with Riften floor tiles. I think I like the original better. And I accidentally moved the rug on the right, so that looks odd.



2nd floor with different boards, didn't bother to readjust the rugs.


Edited by acidzebra
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