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Transfer for Morrowing GOTY to Steam version?


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OK, here is my dealio. I have been playing Morrowind for years and I have acutally managed to buy2 copies over the years (the original and then the expansions and the GOTY) and I have become enamoured with Steam. I have a gaming PC at home and an ASUS G73 laptop that can play most of my games as well. What I do right now with Skyrim is I play it on my gaming PC at home and when I am working on the road, I play it on my laptop from a hotel. So, I was thinking that I would buy Morrowing through Steam so that I can do the same but, I do not want to lose my progress. I am very far into the game and would rather not start over. Is there anyway that I can transfer my saved games to the Steam version? I understand that I would run into issues with my installed mods but, I can probably work around that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Should be easy enough. Install the steam version of MW, start a game and make a test save so you can confirm the location of all your saves in Steam. Then copy your entire Data Files folder from your old install over to your new one. Relocate your saves to where steam saves them in the new install. Should be fine with just a little fudging around with it.
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